结果 Fortifications - Remparts 按摩师


防御工事 - 堡垒
25 意见
关闭 - 开放给09h00 时间表


Carte de l'emplacement de l'établissement
51800按摩师, 法国

马西格大街(Main de Massiges)是一个天然堡垒,其形状非常独特,从空中看,就像一只手。

马西格大街(Main de Massiges)俯瞰艾森河谷,位于香槟区和阿尔贡区的交界处,是一座天然要塞,形状非常独特,从空中看就像一只手。1914年9月,德国人在那里盘踞了下来。从那时起,法国人不惜一切代价,试图从敌人手中夺回这一战略高地。德国人开发并加固了这个地方,每个手指都成为一个真正的堡垒,将成为血腥战斗的现场,就像两支军队挖掘的地下长廊一样。直到1915年底,法国人才成功夺回马西格大街的一部分,尽管他们并没有完全赶走德国人。直到1918年的法美攻势,该阵地才被完全解放。今天,马西格大街(Main de Massiges)通过其由地雷爆炸挖出的漏斗和保持良好状态的600米长的战壕,将大战历史的一部分展现在人们面前。

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访问于三月 2024
Le site à ne surtout pas manquer pour vraiment pouvoir imaginer la souffrance et le courage des hommes qui ont combattu dans ces tranchées. Merci aux bénévoles pour son entretien et son accessibilité remarquable. Pierre 92
访问于三月 2024
Site très bien entretenu par des passionnés (un grand merci à eux pour la qualité de la restauration). L'univers des tranchées à découvrir pour faire perdurer le devoir de mémoire. Visites guidées à réserver en avance !!
访问于三月 2024
Valódi, eredeti történelmi hely és szabadtéri múzeum.
Nagyon érdemes menézni és elgondolkozni az ott látottakon és az ott harcoló katonák mindennapjáról!
Köszönet a feltároknak és egyben az üzemeltetöknek!
Támogasd a munkájukat és és kellő alázattal látogasd meg a helyszínt, vigyázz a tisztaságra és a történelmi értékekre!
Tiszteld a hősöket!
访问于二月 2024
This place is an absolute must visit for those interested in the First World War, or people wanting to gain a little more understanding of life in front line trenches. It’s an absolutely mind blowing place with its relics and detritus of war. The time given over to conserve and reinstate this French trench system is incredible. I think it’s surely become a very important site for education and indeed as a memorial to the men and the hardships endured during the war. There is shells around of varying calibres, pots, pans, rusted rifles and even a couple stretchers which is very poignant. There’s signage to guide you around but an understanding of French is an advantage. Several boards indicate where a casualty was discovered during the works done here. He may have been hastily buried during a time of combat or covered by debris from shellfire. Good to see that names have been put to many of these individuals. Amazing work would have been to give these men back their identities. There’s more than trenches too. You are given the opportunity on this self guided exploration to see a medical post and a canteen area. There’s a couple wooded tables so you can sit, eat and ponder. It’s a place where we must be completely respectful. Original these trenches are, but they have been the work of people prepared to give their time to an amazing project. Please leave the battle artefacts as you find them.
访问于二月 2024
A surtout aller voir ,un sacré endroit,vive le devoir de mémoire

