结果 Gastronomique 阿让


美食 €€
28 意见


Carte de l'emplacement de l'établissement
33, rue des Cornières, 47000阿让, 法国


随着 Eneko Krebs 的到来,"L'Affranchi "餐厅更换了主厨。他保留了这家餐厅特有的美食冒险精神。创意是餐厅的主旋律,当地的新鲜食材以意想不到的方式结合在一起,尤其是令人惊奇的 "彩绘 "菜肴。菜单的独特之处在于它完全出人意料。你事先不会知道会吃到什么。这是一个大胆的提议,就像品尝者和创作者之间的信任关系。新美食概念,与众不同。

与我们的合作伙伴一起组织您的旅行 阿让


28 通知
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访问于九月 2023
What a disappointment ???? it was a really strange experience.. we were celebrating the 2nd anniversary of my cousins, and they didn't even bother to ask if we were celebrating anything.. they did ask about allergies and if we've been before there.. anyway.. We chose the complete "big menu with paring" since the beginning we should read that something was just not right.. not menus, the explanation, or every course was just random (not to mention the lack of information in English or french) the server put him self on his knees to talk to us we need to ask for water like after 30min.. even our appetizer drinks were already served.. we asked for the toilet, and the girl was so rude to show me where it was even when she came all the way to point it.. the courses was really disaster and I'm really would like to say there was 1 of the 7 dishes which was really good the "soup" which has a yolk with some soy sauce in the inside and the broth we never find out what was it (they didn't mention) it was some radish and octopuses there.. it was the only dish I would be happy to pay for!!! There was a "waffle" DISGUSTING!! the texture was completely buttery and oily forgot about the taste.. not taste, but you could feel the fishy flavor of the octopus tint. There was fill up with some chorizo (which supposed be crispy) pickles and some other stuff which make not sense at all! The cheese plate is just plain! So, not in the expectations of a place with a standard of a michelin star! The dish before the dessert to clean the palate.. was good. Unfortunately, we ate it without knowing what it was because they brought it so melt already that by the time the server arrived (like 10min after we were done), he just told us dessert was coming.. dessert was the most disgusting ever.. it was a beautiful Pear shape presentation with some apple paste dots on the plate.. I couldn't eat it at all.. it was covered with a calvados, eatable plastic, and the mouse was a mushroom, really not flavoring at all, but the texture was just such unpleasant. We couldn't eat it at all! So when we though that nightmare was over, he came to tell us the last one was coming, and he pretended to leave the same spoon and we ask him to bring 3 more..and he really didn't like it.. but he did, just for a piña colada terrine with some sort of caramel and chocolate confit on top.. It was such a disappointment because in this time we've been around europe we have tried so many more restaurants which I would rate millions of times better than this one. They cut the bread next to the toilet, they never changed the wine glases only if you didn't finish the previous one then they will give you a new glass if not they will just served on top of the one you had before! Anyway I really don't recommend it at all!! Not the menu! Not the service! And definitely not the food!!! Completely wondering how they could get twice a michelin star?? One could be a mistake... but two is a real stupidity! Sorry to say it. But I dont find it fare for so many other great places around, and more of all for the customers, because paying 300 euros for 3 pax for not having even a piece of protein per course.. is so not right! Thanks but not happy at all! (I add the video of the only course we really enjoy)
访问于九月 2023
Menú degustación. 6 platillos sorpresa que van saliendo. Nada acertados. 3 horas de servicio que no justifican la calida de los platos. Para no repetir.
访问于九月 2023
Restaurant fermé mardi midi contrairement à ce qui est indiqué sur les publicités.
Accueil téléphonique difficilement intelligible (personnel énervé) et qui vous renvoie aux fraises.
访问于九月 2023
Une très belle découverte ???? Des produits et un service de qualité, j'y reviendrai et je recommande à tous ceux qui aiment être surpris ! Merci à toute l'équipe pour l'accueil et le travail fourni : cela était mon avis en 2020.

Grosse déception hier, un service pas du tout à la hauteur et serveurs non professionnels ; Attention à votre attitude derrière, le client entend tout et voit tout notamment la consommation abusive d'alcool qui a fait que le service a été chaotique... Nous avons du réclamer de l'eau, l'aperitif et nous n'avions pas terminé notre dessert que le serveur nous a posé la suite et a dû débarrasser les assiettes à notre demande ! Ce ne sont que quelques exemples...
Concernant le repas c'était excellent et les quantités très raisonnable ! Bravo au chef cuisto ????
J'ai mis une note de 3 car j'estime que le service est autant important que la qualité des produits servis.
访问于九月 2023
Très bon restau, excellent service, top !

