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访问于十一月 2023
We had an unforgettable&amazing experience last July 2023 with Explorer Mauritius. Needless to say it's totally 100% recommended.
Bryn is very kind and a great guy. Looking after everybody on the group, advising where to put your feet in, assisting, helping and making us feel safe.
We arrived earlier than 6am. Parking our car in an explanade under a tree where Bryn closed the fence afterwards.
We could admire the sunrise at the beginning. Sometimes we had to climb some rocks, but being careful there's not reason to be afraid.
The wiews from the top, even in our way up/down are incredible, stunning. It's been one of our favourites trekking in Mauritius.
Bryn took beautiful pics of us and made a video, that he shared with the group later on. Amazing photo report. Thanks to him.
Returning, when we were nearly close the car I scratched little bit on my hand with the volcanic rock. Bryn who carried everything on his backpack assisted me with antibiotic creme, bandage and healed my wound.
I appreciate his dedication and knowledge during the whole trip.
In your next trip to Mauritius Island don't hesitate to contact Explorer Mauritius , it is worthgoing.
Thanks Bryn. Abay, David and Carlos.
访问于十一月 2023
Simply WOW.
Bryn is pure energy!
Was a pleasure and an honour to be guided by him for the exploration of Le Morne Brabant.
He cares about giving to his guests top-notch experience and he definitely made it.
We felt safe since the first moment we met him and since the first day we booked the weather was cloudy he invited to do the hiking twice with better weather conditions.
The cherry on the cake then is the impressive video and photos he send u at then end of the day as a memory of the experience.
We are speechless. He is the best explorer of the island and beyond. Fully recommended.
访问于十月 2023
Die vorherigen Kommentare spiegeln sehr gut wieder, wie die Wanderung mit Bryn abläuft, deswegen verzichte ich darauf.

Uns bleibt auch nur zu sagen, dass es eine atemberaubende Erfahrung war, die für immer in unserem Herzen bleiben wird.
Mit jedem Satz merkte man die unglaubliche Liebe zu „seinem“ Mauritius und der Natur. Er liebt das was er tut und das merkt man. Durch seine Erfahrung und seine ruhige Art haben wir uns während der gesamten Wanderung stets sicher und wohl gefühlt (meine Partnerin hatte ein Jahr zuvor eine OP an der Hüfte).

Ich kann nur jedem die Tour mit Bryn ans Herz legen, zumal die Tour auf eigene Faust sehr gefährlich und nicht zu unterschätzen ist und er auch aktuell rechtlich gesehen der einzige ist, der den Berg betreten darf, da eine wichtige Zufahrtsstraße zerstört ist. Bei Unfällen mit anderen guides oder sogar alleine zahlt keine Versicherung.

Wir danke dir Bryn für dieses unglaubliche Erlebnis!
访问于十月 2023
Absolute highlight of our trip to Mauritius! My husband and I had a fantastic morning hike with Bryn! Highly recommend to everyone.
访问于十月 2023
Bryn est un guide expérimenté et exceptionnel. De plus, c'est une personne positive et pleine d'entrain au vécu incroyable aux quatre coins du monde. Si vous voulez escalader le Morne, c'est LE guide à prendre. On a vécu une aventure fantastique ! 1000 mercis ????
访问于九月 2023
Ein von Anfang bis Ende sehr gelungener Ausflug! Die Wanderung ist den Ausblick absolut wert. Der Weg nach oben (wandern und klettern), war nicht ohne, aber unser Guide Bryn war absolut top an unserer Seite! Mit ihm konnte nichts passieren, und er rundete diese Erfahrung mit super Fotos und tollen Informationen über Mauritius ab. Danke für den Vormittag Bryn, wir werden dich auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen!
访问于九月 2023
Best way to see Le Morne for us! Bryn is an amazing guide, very nice and knowledgable. He made us feel safe all the time, which is crucial on a challening hike like this. There is some climbing involved and the early start helps with the temperatures of the rocks. We were so grateful coming down quite early (9-10pm) as it was already getting so hot! Up to 34 to 40 °C. With Bryn as a guide and a beautiful sunrise start, we were able to really thoroughly enjoy this day, hike and amazing view. It surely was a highlight of our vacation! Booking with Explorers Mauritius is an amazing choice!
25/09/2023 à09:51
Dear Cora!

Thank you so very much for your incredibly kind words and for your exceptional review of our fantastic morning on the mountain!

You did an amazing job my friend!

Wishing you both a super remainder to your holiday and safe travels!

My BEST regards as always!


访问于九月 2023
Excellente expérience. L'ascension du Morne Brabant est un incontournable. C'est magnifique, l'effort en vaut la peine. La vue d'en haut est incroyable. Bryn saura vous accompagner parfaitement pendant la randonnée, pour une ascension en toute confiance (certains passages sont difficiles!! Ascension sans guide déconseillée!) et vous apprendra plein de choses sur le Morne Brabant, sa faune et sa flore, mais aussi sur l'Ile Maurice en général. Gros plus, Bryn se chargera d'immortaliser la randonnée, afin que vous puissiez vous en conserver de magnifiques photos! Je recommande vivement de passer par Bryn!
访问于九月 2023
Worte können kaum beschreiben wie großartig und besonders die Tour mit Bryn war.

Er ist nicht nur ein wahnsinnig sympathischer, sondern auch ein absolut erfahrener und einzigartiger Guide. Man merkt zu jeder Zeit, dass Bryn das liebt was er tut und seine Touren mit einer absoluten Faszination und Begeisterung ausführt.

Bei unserer Tour auf den Le Morne starteten wir um 5:30 Uhr an einem Treffpunkt, von dem aus es mit dem Auto einige Minuten zum Startpunkt der Wanderung ging. Gegen 6 Uhr, pünktlich zum Sonnenaufgang, begannen wir den Weg auf den Le Morne - immer wieder hatten wir sagenhafte Blicke auf die Insel und das umliegende Meer. Als dann der Kletterpart kam, schaffte Bryn es mit seiner Erfahrung und seinem Wesen allen ein gutes und sicheres Gefühl zu geben. Bei den schwierigeren Partien stand er bereit, erklärte was wir machen müssen und führte, beim Abstieg, unsere Füße so, dass wir stets einen sicheren Halt hatten.

Oben angekommen zahlte sich der frühe Start der Wanderung aus, wir waren, bis auf zwei weitere Personen, die einzigen am Gipfel und wurden mit einem atemberaubenden Blick belohnt. Vor Ort hatten wir 45 Minuten um dies auf uns wirken zu lassen, Fotos zu machen und auszuruhen.

Gegen 9:45/10 Uhr waren wir wieder am Startpunkt angekommen und konnten somit nicht nur die vielen Wanderer umgehen, die sich später auf den Weg machten, sondern auch die hohen Temperaturen.

Am Abend schickte Bryn uns dann sämtliche Fotos, die er geschossen hatte und sogar ein Video der gesamten Wanderung, welches uns Tränen in die Augen trieb und diese großartige Erfahrung zusammenfasste.

Diese Wanderung war wirklich eine der schönsten und einzigartigsten, was nicht nur an der Natur und den grandiosen Blicken, sondern auch an Bryn lag. Seine Art, seine Erfahrung, seine Liebe zu dem was er tut - großes Kompliment ❤️
访问于九月 2023
Reading some of the reviews, I find it hard to think of new ways to praise Bryn. That's why I'll just share my honest opinion - he is one of the nicest human beings you can ever come across on this planet. He was simply incredible. He is so knowledgeable, passionate and caring that I cannot imagine how anyone could have a bad time with him. Some of the "smaller" highlights, because, yes, the view on the top is to die for, but you have to get there first. Straight off the bat you just feel completely comfortable and safe with him. With his professional training and career as a climber, climbing pretty much all of the highest peaks, he has just a special way of making people relaxed and making sure everyone is enjoying themselves. Safety is one of his highest priorities, so you shouldn't be afraid and he is extremely helpful whenever someone is unsure how to continue the climb.
I guess we had a small hiccup with the booking, but none of it was Bryn's fault and he handled the problem in such a professional way, that we sadly almost never see nowadays.
Just some random facts about the hike/climb: we met at 5:30 and ended the hike at around 10 o'clock. We had PLENTY of time on the peak and because we started so early, we were the first to arrive there. Bryn made wonderful pictures and videos of our group the entire way. The climb can be a bit challenging, but with Bryn's impeccable guidance, it's doable for most of the people. Proof of that is the fact, that I managed to climb to the top, even though I am afraid of heights. I would highly suggest wearing walking shoes that have a good grip while walking, coz you will be climbing rocks for some 130 meters in total. Bring plenty of water with you (1,5 l per person) and I would suggest removing any rings from your hands. So....yeah, I think that sums it up. I can write another 1000 words and it still won't be enough to describe the extent of Bryn's awesomeness. I wholeheartedly recommend going on any of his trips if you are looking for a good time.

So, thank you for everything, Bryn and I hope to see you again.

Regards, George and Tamara

TL;DR The view is breathtaking, the hike is awesome and Bryn is the best climbing guide on the planet.
访问于八月 2023
We recently completed this hike and it was undoubtedly a highlight of our trip to Mauritius. Bryn is a fantastic guide: he is extremely knowledgable, passionate about what he does and great fun! He is a brilliant at making the group feel relaxed and confident. The views are stunning throughout - particularly at the top - and I would absolutely recommend this trip to anyone visiting Mauritius.
30/08/2023 à15:42
Dear Andrew!

Thank you so very much for your exceptional review and incredibly kind words, my friend!

It is such a privilege to have the opportunity to share our experiences with human beings that truly appreciate what we are trying to achieve!

And to respectfully showcase our remarkably beautiful beautiful island - home in all It’s natural glory!

Wishing you safe travels and I truly look forward to the opportunity to cross paths again one day!

My very best regards!


访问于八月 2023
I met Bryn at the summit of Le Morne Mountain. You could immediately tell his group was having a fantastic hiking experience. He was very knowledgeable, ensured his group were safe when negotiating the more challenging parts of the trek. He also took some amazing photos which he offered to include me in and share. I would certainly recommend Explorers Mauritius to anyone searching for a guide while they're on the island. You will have an unforgettable experience!
访问于八月 2023
Our trip up Le Mourne with Bryn was incredible. He was incredibly wise and knowledgeable and was a massive help to all of us. He was prepared for every eventuality and even helped another tourist as they were climbing the mountain and passed out due to heat stroke. Not only did Bryn look out for our group but he was constantly informing and guiding other tourists and groups going up the mountain, which just showed how well he knows this mountain. I could not have put my trust in anyone better to lead us up and down Le Morne. Thank you Bryn!
访问于八月 2023
Wir sind zwar alleine hochgewandert, haben Bryn aber oben getroffen und er war so nett und hat echt geniale Fotos von uns beiden gemacht, die wir sonst so nie gehabt hätten. Seine Reisegruppe hat auch sehr von ihm geschwärmt. Er klettert so mühelos an den Felsen hoch und runter, als hätte er sein Leben lang nichts anderes gemacht und war direkt sehr sympathisch.
Vielen Dank für die unglaublichen Fotos - es war toll, dich heute morgen zu treffen! :)
访问于八月 2023
Une très belle sortie avec Bryn qui rend ce moment encore plus inoubliable ! Si vous voulez grimper le Morne c’est avec Bryn qu’il faut le faire. L’ascension, bien qu’un peu sportive, est tout à fait abordable et vous vous sentirez vraiment en sécurité avec Bryn. Merci Bryn pour cette matinée !
访问于七月 2023
Completed this trail with my brother and father mid-July and it will go down as one of the most unforgettable experiences of my life. Aside from Mauritius offering nothing but unfiltered beauty, Bryn is an absolute legend. His enthusiasm and knowledge are incredibly infectious and he ensured that everyone enjoyed every minute of the climb. His ability to motivate and bring people together is simply inspiring and I would recommend him as your guide for any adventure in Mauritius. I will most certainly reach out to him when I visit again. Thank you, Bryn, for an experience I won’t soon forget.
16/07/2023 à15:10
Dear Aryaman!

My friend, ALL credit to you and your amazing family on what you - achieved on the mountain!

It is such a pleasure to have the opportunity to share our beautiful island home (it’s rich history, it’s myriad of unique plant and animal species and certainly it’s awesome cultural heritage!) with you all!

To have the incredible privilege of sharing these “moments” with human beings - that TRULY appreciate the UNIQUE and PROFESSIONAL manner in which we conduct every one our adventures, paired with the UNPARALLELED degree of knowledge and information that is divulged - ULTIMATELY ensures an authentic and meaningful EXPERIENCE - that will stay with you FOREVER!

Until our paths cross again - Go WELL!

My very best regards

访问于七月 2023
Amazing tour with Brynt, totally recommended.
14/07/2023 à22:59
Dear Ramon,

Thank you for your amazingly kind review my friend, and for such an enjoyable morning on the mountain!

You were an absolute “ROCK-STAR!”.

Wishing you safe travels and I certainly look forward to the opportunity to “cross paths” again, soon!

My BEST regards


访问于七月 2023
This was my first hike up a mountain. Bryn, our guide, made the experience a wonderful one. He was knowledgeable and offered a wide variety of information. He explained every step of the way which helped ease my nerves. The views are absolutely spectacular. We began the hike early in the morning and got to see the sunrise over the mountains. It was a breathtaking view. As we climbed higher and higher the views just got better and better. I would recommend cool and comfortable clothing, lots of water, some quick snacks and sunscreen. Bryn takes beautiful photographs throughout the trip so you don't even need to really take your own. He even made us a video of the whole experience which will be a lovely keepsake. The descent was trickier than climbing up, in my opinion. To be honest, I wasn't wearing the best shoes for the occasion so I am sure that that played a role in my discomfort. However, the whole trip was a great experience. I thoroughly enjoyed it and am very thankful to Bryn for all his patience and guidance.
13/07/2023 à10:07
Dear Latte_scout!

Thank you so very much for your fantastic review my friend, and certainly for such a wonderful morning on the mountain (it truly was - a pleasure!).

The point that you have highlighted is a very important one (especially for potential guests planning their adventures) who may be reading these reviews (to prepare their itineraries)!

Your shoes can certainly provide (or undermine your confidence and your overall safety) especially in wet or slippery conditions.

Knowing that your shoes are going to provide adequate traction and grip is VITAL in ensuring that you remain both - comfortable and confident in your abilities!

Despite, (your shoes) not being ideally suited to the task, you did a truly fantastic job and you can certainly feel incredibly proud of what you achieved on the mountain!

Looking forward to the opportunity to cross paths again in the future!

My kindest regards as always!


访问于七月 2023
Hike isnt too difficult if you exercise regularly, and for people that don't they can still finish it but at a slightly slower pace. You will need to climb using your hands and feet for the last stretch but it's not a vertical climb requiring a harness. Bryn was a great guide. Very knowledgeable and passionate about what he does. We highly recommend him.
13/07/2023 à13:10
Dear Khodr!

Thank you so very much for your amazing review and very kind words my friend!

This will certainly help many other future guests in their preparation and be a serious confidence boost for those who are reading this (and have not had any prior mountain experience).

Thank you!



Have a fantastic remainder to your holiday and SAFE TRAVELS!

My kindest regards!


访问于六月 2023
I cannot recommend Bryn enough. Firstly, I postponed the hike with him twice due to some logistical issues and he was more than accommodating. From my very first interaction via WhatsApp till it was time to say goodbye, Bryn was not only a great guide but a gem of a human being. He made us feel so safe and my fear was replaced with sheer joy. He took some of the best photos and videos which will serve as lifelong memories. Although we saw some people coming up the hike without any guide, I recommend using one if it is the first time you are hiking le morne since there are no marked trails and there is some scrambling on all fours during the second leg of the journey. He also shared so much knowledge regarding the Mauritian country and people which made the hike so much more enjoyable. In short, 5 out of 5, we found a friend in you Bryn and I wish you all the very best ????
14/07/2023 à23:02
Dear Divya,

It was honestly, my absolute pleasure my friend!

As we all know, holidays plans can and DO change - and we completely understand this!

Our Flexibility to efficiently accommodate these necessary changes is something we certainly PRIDE ourselves in!

I’m so glad that you appreciated the footage (both the photos and the video) as it will always serve as a reminder of what you achieved on the mountain, our beautiful island home and the very good friends you have forged here!

Until our paths cross again, look after yourself and keep climbing!

My very best regards as always!


访问于六月 2023
Waouh ! Quelle expérience ! Vous en prendrez plein les yeux ! Repartirez la tête pleine de souvenirs et d'histoire sur l'ile Maurice. Bryn est d'une grande gentillesse et très professionnel !
J'ai eu la chance de faire la randonnée du Morne, et je pense que l'on ne peut pas trouver meilleur guide !

Allez y foncez les yeux fermés vous ne regretterez pas !!

Merci Bryn !
24/06/2023 à17:08
Dear Antoine!

Thank you so very much for your incredibly kind words my friend (and certainly for your AMAZING review of our morning on the mountain!).

Hopefully the footage will always remind you of our Beautiful island, what YOU achieved on the mountain and the very GOOD FRIENDS you have forged here!

Safe Travels, until our paths cross again!

My BEST regards


访问于六月 2023
Would definitely recommend over of the hikes through this company. We did Le Morne Brabant hike up. Bryn took lots of pics and videos and had interesting stories for us. Overall an amazing morning
16/06/2023 à13:59
Dear Julie!

Thank you so very much for your incredibly kind words and truly wonderful review - it is GREATLY APPRECIATED INDEED!

YOU did an amazing job on the mountain - WELL DONE!

Wishing you a sensational remainder to your holiday!

My BEST regards


访问于六月 2023
Bryn was wonderful and enthusiastic. He sincerely cares about your experience and safety, I would never have made it to the top of Le Morne without him as I would of been too nervous. He is also an amazing photographer and provided us lots of commentary about a range of topics. Highly recommend, would love to of done the waterfall hike with him as well.
访问于五月 2023
The Le Morne Brabant hike with Bryn was an unforgettable experience and the highlight of our trip to Mauritius.

The stunning views throughout the hike made waking up at 4 am well worth it.

Bryn is an exceptional and professional guide who knows the mountain like the back of his hand, managing the group expertly and providing helpful guidance where needed.

He also took amazing photos and shared interesting insights on Mauritian history and flora. We wouldn't have made it to the top without him and highly recommend this hike to anyone looking for an adventure in Mauritius.

Note that this is a challenging experience that requires closed shoes with a good traction. The second part of the hike involves climbing on all fours.
14/05/2023 à07:07
Dear Nick!

Thank you so very much for your incredibly kind words and absolutely wonderful review of your experience with us!

You have managed to express (precisely what we strive for through our comprehensively - professional and unique approach to our experiences) in which SAFETY, SECURITY and ENJOYMENT of your adventure remain our primary priority.

The inherent benefits of being able to access an enormous wealth of information pertaining to the island, it’s historical past, it’s celebrated “Rich” cultural diversity (and heritage paired with geographical and geological insights) In addition to viewing mesmerizing wildlife (Rusa Deer, Wild Pig, Rabbits, Monkeys) along with all of the protected “endemic” bird and plant species that we showcase!

It is truly, so greatly appreciated to receive such overwhelmingly positive feedback from you - that your experience (with our team) was the highlight of your Mauritian holiday!

Wishing you safe travels and I certainly look forward to the opportunity to “cross paths” again in the future!

My very BEST regards


访问于四月 2023
Ein einmaliges Erlebnis! Auch wenn man sehr früh aufstehen muss und der Aufstieg bei hohen Temperaturen und extremer Luftfeuchtigkeit eher kein Spaziergang ist - es war jeden einzelnen Schritt wert! Die Aussicht ist der Wahnsinn!! Bryn ist der perfekte Guide, der einem immer wieder Mut macht und motiviert. Wir sind vorher noch nie geklettert und hatten vor der ersten Kletter-Etappe doch etwas Respekt. Wir haben uns dank Bryns Begleitung aber zu jedem Zeitpunkt absolut sicher und gut aufgehoben gefühlt. Er erklärt ganz in Ruhe die einzelnen Techniken und hat seine Gruppe immer super im Blick. Nach den ersten Metern hat uns das Klettern richtig Spaß gemacht! Nach der Wanderung waren wir zwar platt aber auch mächtig stolz und absolut beeindruckt. Die schönen Fotos und das Video werden uns immer wieder an diese tolle Erfahrung erinnern!
Thank you Bryn for this once-in-a-lifetime adventure!
18/04/2023 à19:36
Dear Eva,

Thank you so very much for your unbelievably kind and thoughtful review my friend - it is so greatly appreciated!

Hopefully the footage will always remind you of our BEAUTIFUL ISLAND, what you ACHIEVED ON THE MOUNTAIN - and the VERY GOOD FRIENDS YOU HAVE FORGED HERE!

Wishing you, safe travels my friend!

My kindest regards
访问于四月 2023
Bryn ist der sympathischste und verantwortungsvollste Tourguide, den wir je kennengelernt haben.

Schon von der ersten WhatsApp Nachricht an, strahlt er eine wahnsinns Herzenswärme und Humor aus!

Bei der Tour konnten wir dann auch seine professionelle und verantwortungsbewusste Seite kennenlernen. Er gab uns die nötigen Tipps um wie ein Experte eine Steinwand zu erklimmen, obwohl wir dies nie zuvor gemacht haben.

Während der Wanderung steht er uns mit motivierenden Worten bei, achtet aber auch auf jedermanns Tempo und sorgt für genügend Erholung im Schatten.

Nicht zu vergessen, dass er alle tollen Momente mit Fotos, Videos und manchmal auch vielleicht zu vielen Panoramashots festhält, aber glaubt mir, es lohnt sich....
Denn was am Ende ohne Aufpreis dabei rauskommt, ist einfach der Wahnsinn und jeden Cent und jedes Lächeln unter Anstrengung und Schweiß wert!

Lasst euch nicht von der frühen Startzeit abschrecken, ihr werdet es danach, genau wie wir, zu schätzen wissen! Nicht nur, dass ihr keine glühend heißen Steine bei brüllender Hitze anfassen müsst (was nach einer gewissen Uhrzeit unumgänglich ist), sondern auch, dass ihr das Privileg habt, die Spitze und Aussicht des Berges ganz für euch alleine zu haben! Nur eine Stunde später wimmelt es von großen Gruppen und ihr werdet es nicht annähernd so genießen können.

Darüber hinaus erlebt ihr so auch einen faszinierenden Sonnenaufgang und habt einen Auf- und Abstieg bei angenehmen Temperaturen.

Danke für diese unvergessliche Erfahrung, Bryn!
06/04/2023 à09:20
Dear Sandra,

Thank you so very much for your exceptional review and incredibly KIND words my friend!

It is so wonderful to receive such overwhelmingly positive feedback with regards to both, your “EXPERIENCE” and our attention to detail (with regards to our crucially important) “SAFETY and SECURITY PROTOCOLS”.

Wishing you both a phenomenal remainder to your holiday and safe travels home!

I certainly look forward to the opportunity to “cross paths” with you again in the future!

My BEST regards

访问于四月 2023
Es war eine super schöne Wanderung! Morgens um 5h30 ging es schon los, da die Temperaturen auf dem Gipfel ansonsten zu schnell zu warm werden. Bryn ist stets sehr bemüht alles genaustens zu erklären und ist super sympathisch. Dazu erfährt man auch viel über die Geschichte der Insel und die umliegende Natur, Bryn weiß über alles bescheid. Das beste aber an der geführten Wanderung waren aber die Bilder und ein Video welches Bryn uns am Ende hat zukommen lassen. Eine perfekte Erinnerung, und das ohne Aufpreis!
26/04/2023 à12:53
Dear Philippe,

Thank you so much my friend for your fantastic review and incredibly kind words!

It was my absolute pleasure!

Wishing you a fantastic remainder to your holiday and safe travels home!

Until our paths “cross” again!

My kindest regards


访问于四月 2023
Perfektní ranní zážitek s Brynem. Ikdyž člověk neleze denně Bryn vše vysvětlil a hned se všichni cítili bezpečněji. Cesta na vrchol Mt. Brabant není úplně snadná, ale pro trochu zdatné lidi bez problému zvládnutelná. Po cestě několik míst k focení jak od Bryna, tak i na vlastní foťák. Perfektní služby, vřele doporučuji! 5⭐️
26/04/2023 à12:55
Dear Lukin,

Thank you for such a fantastic morning on the mountain my friend and for your incredibly kind words, it is truly appreciated!

Looking forward to catching up
In the future and having the opportunity to cross paths again!

My best regards


访问于四月 2023
Bryn is such a positive and energetic guy with lots of knowledge and training. He will make the hike a truly memorable experience. Well worth the money! He is the only one closely affiliated with the owner of the mountain, so he is the only official guide with the right papers and gate access.
26/04/2023 à13:01
Dear Yannick,

Thank you so very much for your very kind review (amazing words) and certainly for your greatly appreciated support of our continued professionalism (and the manner in which diligent CARE and ATTENTION is dedicated towards your SAFETY, SECURITY and ENJOYMENT of our experience).

Go well, my friend, until we have the opportunity to cross paths again!

My best regards


访问于三月 2023
Hiking le Morne was defenitely the highlight of our Mauritus trip. Bryn is a fantastic guide. Wonderful experience.


开放式 - 从06h00 到17h00


Carte de l'emplacement de l'établissement
Route côtière, Le Morne Brabant, 黎明布拉邦, 莫里斯


06:00 - 17:00
06:00 - 17:00
06:00 - 17:00
06:00 - 17:00
06:00 - 17:00
06:00 - 17:00
06:00 - 17:00