结果 Hôtel 美丽的母马和帕尔马


宾馆 €€€
34 意见


Carte de l'emplacement de l'établissement
Route Côtière, Palmar, 美丽的母马和帕尔马, 莫里斯
书籍上 Booking

这是一家专为情侣打造的酒店,拥有一个 700 米长的海湾,非常适合游泳、2 个酒吧、3 个餐厅和娱乐活动。

700 mètres 的海湾和海滨浴场是这家专为情侣而设的酒店的首要特色,酒店拥有俱乐部精神,并将所有活动都集中在运动和娱乐上:......在豪华花园的中心,297 间客房均可观赏到美丽的大海,还有 2 间酒吧和 3 间餐厅,其中 La Plage 餐厅提供地中海和毛里求斯风味的美食。此外,还有一个水疗中心,可以让您尽情放松。

与我们的合作伙伴一起组织您的旅行 美丽的母马和帕尔马

比较并预订住宿 AMBRE


34 通知
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访问于十月 2023
I was here in June I have to say Mauritius itself is unbelievable but due to the treatment of the poor dogs this hotel needs a lot of work on how to care for animals! Not one staff member filled there bowls with water whilst we were there the dogs had to rely on the guest in the hotel. One of the main reasons on why I enjoyed my trip so much was due to the dogs I absolutely fell in love and especially being an animal lover but seeing how the staff here treat them is a disgrace and due to that I will not be returning!
访问于十月 2023
Rekommenderar inte detta hotell om du ömmar för hundar och katter. Frivilligorganisationer tar hand om mat , sterilisering och all veterinärvård och ändå provocerar personalen hundarna som är på stranden och har MSAW att fånga hundarna med nät.
Om jag besöker Mauritius igen så ska det vara ett hotell som kan garantera ”animal welfare”.
访问于十月 2023
Stayed at the Ambre in January 2019 and the highlight of our holiday were the beautiful beach dogs that stayed with us for the whole of our holiday. Upon our return I looked into how the dogs were looked after and realised that Mauritius and the Ambre Hotel treat these beautiful dogs horrifically and regularly have them removed and killed. If you are an animal lover please do not visit this hotel or the island as while we keep visiting them they will keep murdering them! We need to boycott Mauritius until they realise they cannot treat animals in this way.
访问于十月 2023
This hotel is lovely and worth a visit. I dont agree how they treat the stray dogs which are cared for by locals and extremely friendly. The hotel has no empathy when it comes to these dogs. 99% of people who stay their experience is enhanced by these animals who just want love. They are completely harmless and if anything would be the main reason to return. What happened with Bluu and chase is disgraceful. I would not return knowing how they view these animals. All of the dogs are extremely friendly and loving and have very good temperaments. Safe around kids aswell. Even people with fear of dogs will leave ambre loving them and looking to get one themselves. FREE BLU AND CHASE! Dogs need love and not to be encaged and treated like less then life. Please continue feeding and showing appreciation for the dogs. They have good hearts.
访问于十月 2023
Wir sind total begeistert vom Ambre. So einen schönen und erholsamen Aufenthalt in einem Hotel hatten wir noch nie.
Das Personal ist sehr freundlich, zuvorkommend und hilfsbereit.
Die Zimmer haben einen schönen Ausblick auf den indischen Ozean. Die gesamte Hotelanlage ist sehr gepflegt und sauber. Das Essen in allen Restaurants ist hervorragend.
Wir können diese Hotel zu 100% weiterempfehlen und kommen gerne mal wieder.
Vielen Dank an alle Mitarbeiter des Ambre Resort & Spa.


