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访问于四月 2024
Muy buena comida, abundante y de calidad. Servicio excelente, lástima que perdi ???? el smartfone
访问于四月 2024
Ristorante curato nei minimi particolari, a pochi metri dalla stazione termini è la perla del gusto e dell'eleganza. Complimenti!!!
访问于三月 2024
访问于三月 2024
Ottimo ristorante
访问于二月 2024
C'est bon et un très bon service????
访问于二月 2024
Cadre plutôt classe - accueil sympa - les plats sont de qualité - par contre les apéritifs à peine servis les plats principaux arrivent … tout s’enchaîne comme s’il manquait de la place alors que le restaurant est à moitié vide … le repas est plié en moins de 30 minutes … décevant … lorsque je fait remarquer au cheffe de rang qu’il n’y a pas urgence … arrive l’addition … si vous voulez vous restaurer en 15 mn c’est la bonne adresse si vous voulez passer un moment agréable entre amis passez votre chemin … je déconseille …
访问于二月 2024
Очень вежливый и внимательный персонал!
Красивая подача блюд. Симпатичные официанты!
访问于一月 2024
I had a terrific experience. The Sciu Sciu pasta was one of the best I’ve had in Italy and the waiter recommended a fantastic $25 bottle of wine from Tuscany. Will go back.
访问于一月 2024
Het eten was niet bijzonder. Prijs/kwaliteit niet helemaal in verhouding. En we stonden binnen een uur alweer buiten na 3 gangen. Ze deden hun best om je weer zsm weg te hebben ..p
访问于十二月 2023
Crazy Restaurant
访问于十二月 2023
Per la prima volta ho recentemente mangiato nel Ristorante dell'hotel Massimo D'Azeglio. Ho trovato il Ristorante ben arredato ed elegante. I piatti abbondanti e cucinati molto bene. I camerieri gentilissimi e disponibili al massimo sono un immagine della cortesia e dell'ospitalità italiana. Spero di tornare presto in questo Ristorante
访问于十一月 2023
Amazing food, incredible service and reasonably priced. The beef fillet and tiramisu were fantastic.
访问于十一月 2023
Great place. Friendly and helpful staff.
访问于十月 2023
Excelente experiência! Comida ótima e em especial o atendimento do Sr.Carmine muito amável ????
访问于十月 2023
Do not go anywhere near this place went last week as a birthday meal and got treated like peasants and honestly they think they are better than they are food wasn’t good manners completely zero I really didn’t want to pay
访问于十月 2023
La comida excelente, ravioli con queso y funghi brutales. El steak tartar muy rico, hecho al momento delante del comensal. Y la saltimbocca exquisita. El problema es el servicio, desatendiendo en todo momento la mesa, y muy bordes. El único amable, el camarero que prepara el steak tartar.
访问于九月 2023
Food was ok. Service was horrible. We sat for 20 minutes before we were even acknowledged. Server finally showed up and just said, "you ready to order?"
This place is a mix of a tourist trap and over priced hotel restaurant. Watched a bunch of other couples get ignored.
Go to any other sidewalk Roman ristorante and you will get better.
访问于九月 2023
Ho mangiato in questo bellissimo e storico ristorante dell'omonimo albergo e sono rimasto estremamente soddisfatto.
Ho trovato un'oasi di pace al centro di Roma, a due passi dalla Stazione Termini,
accolto con estrema cortesia ho potuto gustare ottimi cibi, presentati su una bella tavola apparecchiata.
Consigliato non solo per una clientela di passaggio in visita a Roma, ma anche per quei romani che, a volte, non conoscono di avere una comoda e bella location sotto casa, dove mangiare e gustare cibi della tradizione culinaria italiana.
访问于九月 2023
The food was good. The service wasn't. The entree took too long. Then we asked for more drinks. They never came back with our drinks. I ended up having to leave. We were almost late for our Vatican tour. My fiance waited even longer after I left to pay.
访问于九月 2023
I thoroughly enjoyed everything about dining here. I dined outside alone I found the staff very attentive and professional they met all of my expectations. The food was fantastic I'm so very happy I decided to give this restaurant a try the food was delicious and I throughly enjoyed the entire experience ????????????????????
访问于九月 2023
Servizio buono,piatti gustosi della tradizione
访问于八月 2023
Horrível. Estava hospedada no hotel ( esse sim 5 estrelas) e decidi ir jantar no restaurante. Entrei pela porta do hotel, deram me uma mesa... Apenas. Pessoas que entraram depois de mim, foram encaminhadas para a sua mesa, deram lhes o menu, pediram as bebidas..comida...foram servidas..e eu com cara de parva num restaurante praticamente vazio a espera de um simples menu para escolher a comida. 4 empregados passaram a vida a passar a frente da minha mesa, olhavam para mim e ninguém me serviu. Completamente eletistas. Julgam as pessoas pelo seu aspecto ( estava de t shirt e calças de ganga) e quando me levantei e disse que me ia embora pois estavam a ignorar me de propósito pediram desculpa a gozar. Nunca mais na vida voltarei a esse restaurante, e graças a eles nem ao hotel apesar deste até ser agradável.
访问于八月 2023
Ottimo esempio di buona cucina in hotel a Roma, cosa affatto scontata. Locale storico, molto ben tenuto e curato , tranquillo e riservato nonostante la vicinanza alla caotica e rumorosa stazione Termini. Cucina di buon livello sospesa tra il tradizionale e qualche tentazione gourmet con un buon rapporto qualità/prezzo. Il servizio è veloce, attento anche se a volte fin troppo disinvolto ma gentile e abbastanza professionale. Da consigliare certamente.
访问于八月 2023
The food is so good and the service was wow Veronica has served us and she was amazing. We will 100% come again ☺️
访问于八月 2023
The food was great, but the service was honestly appalling, and the atmosphere felt uneasy as the server was always looking at our table.
访问于九月 2022
À deux pas de termini cet établissement nous offre dans un cadre cosy une excellente cuisine soignée.service et accueil irréprochables.carte des vins variée ,le tout pour un prix plus que correct
访问于八月 2022
Une cuisine excellente et de qualité, personnel à l'écoute et très serviable. Un service professionnel et précis, ça fait vraiment plaisir, nous sommes venus avec des amis pour leur faire découvrir la cuisine italienne, nous sommes très content, car ils ont beaucoup apprécié.
访问于八月 2022
Emplacement au top proche de Termini et de notre hôtel.
Service en français impeccable par le maître de salle.
Nourriture au top même si mon entrecôte était bleue et non à point.
访问于一月 2022
Personnel très sympathique et à l'écoute mais nourriture trop salée pour l'entrée et le plat
访问于十二月 2021
Ambiance feutrée restaurant bien situé avec une cuisine italienne traditionnelle de qualité. Le dessert un peu décevant compte tenu du reste


关闭 - 开放给12h00


Carte de l'emplacement de l'établissement
Via Cavour, 18, 罗马, 意大利


12:00 - 15:0019:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:0019:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:0019:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:0019:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:0019:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:0019:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:0019:00 - 23:00