结果 Temple 阿姆利则


31 意见
开放式 - 从01h00 到00h00 时间表


Carte de l'emplacement de l'établissement
Sri Harmandir Sahib, Golden Temple Rd, Atta Mandi, 阿姆利则, 印度

这里是印度最神圣的锡克教礼拜场所,由大理石和黄金镶嵌而成,还有一个为纪念古鲁格拉特-萨希布(Guru Granth Sahib)而建的水池。

斯里-哈曼迪尔-萨希布(Sri Harmandir Sahib)是印度最神圣的锡克教信仰场所,是一座为古兰经萨希布而建的大理石和木制的建筑。从主门进入:钟表之旅;走几步并睁开眼睛:在5米深的圣坛周围,有一座极好的金庙。这座庄严的建筑是用白色大理石建造的,上面镶嵌着珍贵的和半珍贵的珍珠,上面有一个重达600公斤的黄金,上面有莲花的花纹。伯明翰的锡克族社区定期举行会议,以替换这些金箔。莲花象征着锡克教徒的行为准则:创造一种纯净的生活。这座建筑的建筑风格融合了莫格莱和拉普特的影响。如果你可以的话,你可以在晚上先去看看,然后在晚上再去看看。


要想离开这里,就必须穿过古鲁桥或古鲁斯桥(pont des Gourous)。寺庙是所有活动和所有关注的对象:Granth Sahib的原版,用玫瑰花粉重新装饰,保存在第一层。僧侣们聚集在一起,用音乐唱出他的歌声。

这支队伍在每天的任何时候都会出现,尤其是在周末(每天约有100 000人)。傍晚时分,场面十分壮观:灯火在寺庙的光线中闪烁,也在河水中闪烁。

22时,宗教狂热者开始行动:在Akal Takhat(锡克教教区的一个建筑),我们为夜间的圣物做了报告。它被保存在Hari Mandir Sahib的窗帘下,直到上午4点和下午5点。在他被转移的那一刻,一位牧师将气球放在他的脚上,然后穿过桥头,到了附近的地方。锣鼓声和歌声相伴而行。这首曲子是在下午时分响起的。

寺庙还有一个小型博物馆,即 中央锡克教博物馆(每天7时至19时开放,门票免费)。这里展示了不同年代的锡克教烈士的画像。馆内有许多关于古鲁斯历史的文物。有一点儿野蛮的味道。

如果你有一个小的食物,请 在文件中为Gourou Ka Langar,一个完美的集体(见 "餐厅")准备你的位置。你可以免费享用由虔诚的锡克教徒准备的晚餐,没有任何阶级或宗教上的区别。


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访问于三月 2024
A must visit .Extremely beautiful clean and well maintained. Visit it during the day and at night to see the best views of this beautiful temple.
访问于三月 2024
Very beautiful and divine. Very crowded, long ques for darshan. But there are places to take rest. Sewadars are there to guide.
访问于三月 2024
The Harmandir Sahib, famously known as the Golden Temple, is a magnificent and spiritually uplifting place that truly captivates the soul. Situated in the heart of Amritsar, Punjab, this revered Sikh Gurdwara is not just a religious site but a symbol of harmony, peace, and inclusivity.

Upon stepping into the complex, visitors are greeted by the breathtaking sight of the shimmering golden structure, beautifully reflecting in the Amrit Sarovar (Pool of Nectar) that surrounds it. The Golden Temple's architecture is a blend of Islamic and Hindu styles, showcasing exquisite craftsmanship and attention to detail.

One cannot help but be overwhelmed by the serene and mystical energy that pervades the atmosphere here. Whether you're a devotee seeking spiritual solace or a traveler exploring the rich cultural heritage of India, the Golden Temple offers an experience like no other.

The Langar, a community kitchen serving free meals to all visitors regardless of background, is a profound embodiment of the Sikh principle of seva (selfless service). It is said to be the largest free kitchen in the world, symbolizing equality and the importance of sharing.

The daily rituals, including the melodious recitation of the Guru Granth Sahib (Sikh holy scripture) and the mesmerizing sound of the Gurmat Sangeet (Sikh devotional music), create an ambiance of tranquility and devotion.

Whether you're admiring the intricate marble inlay work, taking a serene walk around the sarovar, or partaking in the communal meal at the Langar, every moment at the Golden Temple is filled with grace and humility. It is not just a place of worship; it's a sanctuary of love, compassion, and humanity. A visit to the Golden Temple is an unforgettable journey that touches the heart and nourishes the soul.
访问于三月 2024
True experience of Indian culture of acceptance of everyone as a member of one family. वसुधैव कुटुंबकम् .
Hindus, Sikhs , Muslims, Jains,..no matter what, here you're only a Son of God.
访问于三月 2024

