结果 Cuisine méditerranéenne 威尼斯


地中海美食 €€
26 意见
关闭 - 开放给19h00 时间表


Carte de l'emplacement de l'établissement
Campo san Angelo, San Marco 3808/10, 威尼斯, 意大利


与我们的合作伙伴一起组织您的旅行 威尼斯


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访问于十月 2023
2.125 stars rounded down. Acquapazza was one of the most disappointing meals we had on our epic two week France/ Italy trip. Our travel agent booked this weeks in advance and we were excited to go. It is in San Marco square with a large area with four large tents put together. Very cool atmosphere.

The food was actually decent probably around 4 stars. We had a fried appetizer medley, squash blossoms, and a pasta with seafood dish.

So why the low rating? The service was the worst I have experienced in a long time. It seems to be family owned with an older lady in glasses and her daughter running the show. They seemed apathetic, were rude to other customers, and basically shooed another lady away. At the table next to us, the daughter was coming to take the order from a very nice family who had sat down for a few minutes. They attempted to order drinks and apps and wanted dinner after she said it was not possible and they would have to order all at once because they "do not do it that way". The poor family had to rush to make a decision as she gave them no choice. Very brusque and terrible attitude.

With multiple tables empty, we saw another couple walk up to ask for a table. The daughter owner offered them a central table and the would-be customer asked for a periphery table because she said she gets hot. The owner said no basically but in the rudest possible way. Instead of saying "oh, unfortunately those tables are committed, but let's walk over to see what the climate is centrally, it's very nice!" Or trying to be empathic that there was no space, she basically shooed them away and to come back tomorrow to which the customer said she was leaving Venice the next day. The response from the owner was ok well maybe on your next trip in a voice dripping with passive aggressiveness.

As far as our service, no one checked in, no one seemed to be happy we were there, and we were also rushed to make a decision on the entire meal at once.

The other waiters and employees had similar attitudes as the culture at this restaurant is disgusting. They all seemed to be disgusted at tourists (90% of the old Venice islands is tourists, btw) The poor treatment of us and other customers made us not enjoy this night.

Please do yourself a favor and stay away. Maybe take away if they do that would be ok but this restaurant is resting on a prior reputation perhaps? I have no idea how you can treat the customers who pay your bills and butter your bread like this.
访问于十月 2023
Food was too expensive for the quality, but wasn't terrible. Perhaps it is just our first experience in Italy and restaurant culture is different, but we were very uncomfortable with so many employees trying to strong arm us into spending more money. Or maybe there is a joke here and the waiters are rude intentionally? In that case they really nailed it. Otherwise it's just a nail in the coffin and I would never recommend this place. I'd rather have to swim through high tide than eat here again.
访问于十月 2023
Ужасное обслуживание после которого официанты еще требуют чай . Отвратительно . Портят настроение и впечатление о Венеции .
访问于十月 2023
Ristorante consigliato da un simpatico e competente gondoliere. Situato in una piazza nella zona meno turistica, ma caratteristica. Informo il proprietario che nemmeno in un ristorante 1 e/o 2 stelle una pasta alle vongole costi 40 euro. Impiattamento lasciamo stare. Visto altri piatti dei commensali vicini parmigiana di melanzane classica a 28 euro. Pizze dai 25 euro in su. Arco della pace a Milano pizzeria gourmet tonno fresco 30 euro. Mi domando Oldani e altri quanto dovrebbero far pagare. Il locale poteva essere posizionato in qualsiasi città lontano dai canali o altro
访问于十月 2023
Il ristorante napoletano a Venezia che cucina sia la pizza che i piatti veneziani. La location è carina, si mangia all’aperto durante la bella stagione. Il crudo è ottimo, i paccheri di granseola eccezionali come anche la pasta al ragù. Un po’ meno entusiasmante è la pizza. I prezzi sono alti.

