结果 Tour-opérateur spécialisé 西格卢菲约尔


25 意见
开放式 - 从01h00 到00h00 时间表


Carte de l'emplacement de l'établissement
西格卢菲约尔, 冰岛


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访问于四月 2023
La famille est très chaleureuse et accueillante. Les chevaux sont bien traités (ils ont tous du repos entre deux tours, et ils ont droit à 3 mois de repos total par année, sans compter l'espace qu'ils ont à disposition). Nous avons pris le tour "A little bit of everything" et avons beaucoup apprécié les paysages ainsi que les explications sur l'histoire islandaise au sens large (sur les chevaux, les légendes des lieux, la découvert de l'Islande par les vikings,...) données par les deux accompagnatrices. Nous avions choisi un tour privé et n'avons pas regretté ! En tant que cavaliers expérimentés, nous avons pu aller à un rythme un peu plus sportif et ça en valait la peine (en + d'essayer le tölt, allure spéciale des chevaux islandais). Le pic-nique donné était bon également, avec des pâtisseries et des mets locaux.

Petit bonus en prime, le bain naturellement chaud à la fin, qui fait beaucoup de bien aux muscles après un tour.

Nous remercions vivement la famille et nos deux accompagnatrices pour ce tour formidable, et recommandons cette ferme à quiconque souhaite passer un bon moment en compagnie de chevaux bien traités et de personnes sympathiques !
访问于三月 2023
On a bright and glorious morning I had my first experience with the Icelandic breed of horse, and everything about it was lovely. Everyone was really friendly and helpful - from the owners to the staff to the horses themselves. I enjoyed meeting the horses in the barn, and getting to know my mount in the indoor arena before we ventured outside. The tölt was so much smoother and slower than I expected since I was comparing it to a regular trot. It was very comfortable to ride! Since it was March and all of northern Iceland was still coated in snow, I appreciated the soak in the hot tub afterward to warm up my toes. Thank you for an all-around wonderful time!
访问于九月 2022
Would 100% recommend, they are clearly passionate about what they do. The horses were really sweet and well matched to rider ability, staff all so friendly and helpful. We did the beach ride and loved it, the scenery is amazing! We also had the waffles with homemade jam and cream which was definitely worth it after the ride
访问于八月 2022
An immediate recommendation if you want to go horse riding in Iceland. It doesn't matter if you are a professional or a complete beginner, the horses there can handle everything. We came back to ride for three days in a row and it never got boring. We went up a little hill through a river and even cross country riding. You will also get to experience the special pace that only Icelandic horses are capable of doing. And if you are tired after a long ride there ist the possibility to use a small hot tub. Although there is a fee the relaxation is worth it. The family that runs the farm is extremely friendly and approachable. I can really recommend this farm and would encourage you to check it out.
访问于八月 2022
We went as family of 4 with a 7 and 9 year old. They were great with the children and provided them with a nice overall experience. Very tranquil location and a pleasant ride in good company.

