结果 Musée 波士顿


29 意见
开放式 - 从10h00 到17h00 时间表


Carte de l'emplacement de l'établissement
Charlestown Navy Yard, 1, 1st Avenue, Charlestown, 波士顿, 美国


美国海军 宪法 是世界上最古老的战舰。它于 1798 年由美国海军根据 1794 年《海军法案》建造,该法案旨在为年轻的美国提供海军武器,而在此之前的六十年,大布列塔尼政府已承认美国为独立国家。大会因此批准建造六艘大型战舰。它们在今天被认为是 "美国海军的起源"。L'USS Constitution fut le troisième à être construit, et est le seul à ne pas avoir été détruit.

该舰由美国首任总统乔治-华盛顿命名,1798 年 7 月开始服役。它有 44 门大炮,最初的任务是保护国家海岸。随后,在被称为 "准奎尔"(Quasi-guerre)的与法兰西共和国的冲突时期," 宪法"的使命是保护美国海军抵御法国的攻击,并保护敌国海军。此外,它还在 1812 年美国与布列塔尼大区的战争中发挥了重要作用,这场战争造成了海上冲突。美国海军在这场战争中夺取了敌人的十艘军舰,并摧毁了其中的三艘。盎格鲁人看到自己的加农炮没有损坏海军的外壳而恼羞成怒,将其称为 "老铁炮"(vieux flancs de fer)。

自 1818 年起,最初的铁闸门被美国海军陆续摧毁,但宪法铁闸门得到了民众的支持,他们反对摧毁铁闸门。1833 年,该舰开始进行首次改造。随后,她成为一名海军军官,1855 年她的军旅生涯结束后,她在安纳波利斯的海军学校服役,度过了塞外战争时期。1907 年,《宪法》正式成为一座博物馆。作为国家领航员,她经常参加各种官方仪式和活动。

2015 年,该舰艇被置于船舱内,进行了二十一世纪 的首次重大修复。修复费用超过 1200 万美元。2017 年,在沉没 26 个月之后,这艘航船重新驶入波士顿的水域,并将在未来的五年中继续航行。

在您参观美国 宪法时,您会遇到专门负责回答您有关海军历史问题的海军陆战队员。请不要错过与海军博物馆毗邻的博物馆,以便进一步了解十九世纪海军战士的生活。


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访问于四月 2024
The museum was good for kids, but the ships are amazing for all ages.
访问于四月 2024
Excellent. If you're interested in the Navy at all, you're going to love it. Lots of history from the Revolutionary War up to WWII. Accessible to kids with connections to historical figures & interactive exhibits. Clean, well maintained, and staff invested in your experience.
访问于四月 2024
i recently visited the USS Constitution and museum on a field trip with my school. my school has a lot of kids and they were being a bit rowdy but the staff looked past it and still educated us with enthusiasm and friendliness. they were able to answer any questions we had. we even got to meet people in the US Navy. i would recommend this to anyone stopping by. it may not interest you as much if you are not on a guided tour like my school was on but i still enjoyed. you don't have to take long in here either but you get to learn so much - you could stay here for less than two hours and be satisfied.
访问于四月 2024
Um paisagem belíssima das embarcações antigas! Navios que fazem parte da historia americana! Lugar bem agradável para levar a família e passear
访问于四月 2024
Awesome museum. Great history, and in Boston, you're close to so many historical sites. Short walk to the Bunker Hill monument. Definitely a great visit if you're a history buff.